None of us want to
be excluded against our will. But can't we all feel some of that
uselessness and superficiality in our world, ask ourselves what we
are doing and where we are heading? What is the reason? How to fight loneliness by Wilco is a song that reflects the necessity,
that is brought on us, to simply fit in, to ideals and norms that we
don't even understand what they are or why they exist.
Another good
reflection of where we are right now in the Western world is the film
The Emperor's New Clothes by Russel Brand and Michael Winterbottom. As many other people who are critical to the
situation in the world they try to ask questions, and they do have
some good perspectives. But what is so typical for our epoch is that
rather than asking fundamental questions and demanding answers, the
protests become like theatrical acts showing that the world is
hopeless and that nothing can be done.
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